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Tab Bass Fugazi Break Versi 2

Penulis : Mutri on Minggu, 27 April 2014 | 01.51

Break - Fugazi

Tabbed By : Paul Cox
e-mail: paul_cox1@hotmail.co.uk
This song is the first song on Fugazi's album "End Hits."
Tuning: EADG

The other tab on here helped me to work this out even though the mans ears must be
if he thinks his tab is anywhere close. Trust me this is a lot more accurate... I haven't
to work out the other riff on this track (where the vocals come in). If you need help,
basically replicates the guitar line so check out the guitar tab.

As I mentioned previously, I met Joe Lally recently after a show he played and he has
renewed my interest in bassism. THANKS JOE!

Main Riff
A|--12-----0-12----------10-----10-| x 1000000000000

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