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Chord Garry Mulgrew You Are Holy Ukulele Versi 1

Penulis : arum on Jumat, 18 April 2014 | 23.29

You Are Holy (Rev.5: 12) CCLI Song No. 3357666
by Garry Mulgrew - Copyright Poured Out Music (2001)

Verse 1
You are Holy
You Are Holy
G2 C2
You are Holy O Lord (repeat verse x2)
EM7 C2
Bowing low to You (x3)
C2 D2 G2
Your an all consuming fire

verse 2
You are lovely
You are lovely
G2 C2
You are lovely Jesus ( repeat verse x2)
Em7 C2
Bowing low to You (x3)
C2 D2 G2
Your an all consuming fire

The Lamb is worthy
The Lamb is worthy
G2 C2
The Lamb is worthy who was slain (repeat verse x2)
EM7 C2
Bowing low to You (x3)
C2 D2 G2
Your and all consuming fire

C2 G2 C2 G2
All Glory, and all honor, and all power belong to You (repeat )

Listen to this song @ www.mizmor.com/garrymulgrew

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