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Chord Garry Mulgrew Truly The Greatest Gift Versi 1

Penulis : arum on Jumat, 18 April 2014 | 23.29

C2 G/B
Love the Lord Your God with all your heart
C2 G/B
Love your neighbour as you love yourself
C2 G/B
Surrender your life at the foot of the cross
Dsus C2 G
Truly the greatest gift is love

G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2

G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we say to the mountains . . . be removed
G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we give all that we have to the poor
G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we yield our bodies to the burning flames

G2 Dsus Em7 C2 D C
Without Your love Lord what have we gained

G2 Dsus Em7 C2
Love, love, love one another
G2 Dsus Em7 C2
Love, love, its the will of the Father
G2 Dsus Em7 C2
to love love your sister and brother
Song: Truly The Greatest Gift Is Love
Artist: Garry Mulgrew
Album: Up-coming
CCLI Song #: 3712270
Written By: Garry Mulgrew/ Brian Doerksen
Copyright: 2002 Shining Rose Songs / Poured Out Music
Corrected By: Garry Mulgrew kgmulgrew@gmail.com

Dsus C2 G
Truly the greatest gift is love

G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2

Verse 2
G2 Dsus Em7 C2
G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we speak with tongues of men and angels

G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we raise the dead, give sight to the blind
G2 Dsus Em7 C2 G2 Dsus Em7 C2
If we prophecy to these four winds
G2 Dsus Em7 C2 D C
Without Your love Lord would it be in vain

You can hear this music @http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=185581

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