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Chord Destroyer The Music Lovers Ukulele Versi 1

Penulis : Unknown on Jumat, 25 April 2014 | 06.32

Album: Your Blues

Tabbed by Pl Fiksdal paalsfiksdal at hotmail dot com

No Intro

B : 224442
F# 244322
E : 022100

B F#
Feeling fine, but it must be the wine
E F# E
Cause it's April 27th and my baby's still dying on me.
F# E F#
We stole a gondola to sea
E F# E
And ditched the chaperones on jewel-encrusted roans who called us
'unprofessional.' Deep down they knew,

B F# E F#
Oh that we were the Music Lovers!
E F#
People say - "They just didn't want it enough."
E F#
Here, the people say - "They just didn't want it enough."
B F# E F#
Oh, but we were the Music Lovers!
E F#
People say - "They just didn't want it enough."
E F#
Hear the people say - "They just didn't want it enough."

B F# E
The time of your lives has been had
F# E F#
And your wives have been bad!
E F#
And look, the private sector's not denied you for the last time.
E F#
They're saying - "Those grapes go rotten on the vine."
B F# E F#
Oh, but once we were the Music Lovers!
E F#
People say - "They just didn't want it enough."
E F#
Here, the people say - "They just didn't want it enough."
B F# E F#
Oh, but we were the Music Lovers!
E F#
People say - "They just didn't want it enough."
E F#
Hear the people say - "They just didn't want it enough."

B F# E
Sister, the world cannot hold us...
F# E
Brother, you can go your own way...

Outro: B F# E (repeat)

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